
Quick Business

Here is just some quick business to take care of:

Right now I am putting together a new feature for BYUTATORTOT Designs.  This will include top tips you should know for your blog.  I will post a tip every Tuesday.  Adori Graphics has offered to write up the first handful of tips and I can't wait to post them for you guys to read.  I will also like to open the window up of letting you guys also write the tips.  If you have any tips you want to share and they are useful please contact me by email and we will discuss it. 

I am also working on my freebies being more organized.  I am still trying to figure out how I want things done but hopefully in the next week or so I will have it done, but that depends on the time I have and how long it takes me. 

Also, do not forget the challenge.  When I get 50 followers you will get 25 freebies all in one post.  Kind of like the 20 Freebies for 200 Posts. 

Have a good day and follow so you can get updates quick!

Thanks for visting BYUTATORTOT Designs!

Love, Taylor

1 Comment(s):

My Diabetic Sweet Life said...

I am *almost* done with the articles...just need to check and tweak them :)

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