
Want One?

Here is some cool word art that I think would be really cool for a header! I would like you to choose what colors or what template you want it to match. Please leave a comment and I will make it for you. You can also just tell me what you would like yours to say and what template or color you would like it to match and I will make it. Leave a comment.

6 Comment(s):

jaydawg said...

hey tatortot! hey its jaydawg and i would abosolutely LOVE a blog header that says "Jaydawg" except without the quotation marks. thanx! love ya!

Cougar Corner 7! said...

Ok I want one that says Cougar Kid with the byu utah final catch 2006


Jaydawg what colors would you like? Or would you like it to match a certain blog template? Let me know!

Brianna said...

I want one to match the background I have now that says...
"Brianna's World of Wonders!"

Love ya!

brinley said...

I would luv one that says live laugh love U can choose the colors cause I love the colors u do for urs!!!!! Thanks so much!!!!!!!!!!

Julia :~) said...

im megs bff can u make me a purple 1 tht says *LIVE*LAUGH*DANCE* thx u rock

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