
FAQ Friday: How can I change up my Navigation Bar?

Your navigation bar is up at that top and says things like: Follow, Share, Report Abuse, etc.  These can be changed up many ways.  Here are a few choices you have:

...Changing the Color of Your Navigation Bar...
Just by going to your dashboard--click layout and then there is a blue bar above your layout.  It says Navbar and then to the right it says Edit.  Click Edit.  Then mark which one you would like.  Your options are: blue, tan, black, silver, transparent light, and transparent dark.  And Save!

...Removing Your Navigation Bar...
Got to your dashboard--layout--edit HTML.  Then hit CTRL+F and search for this: /* Variable Definitions Next, past this right before that:   .navbar {display:none;}.  Preview and Save!

...Making a DropDown Navigation Bar...
Go to your dashboard--layout--add gadget.  Then paste this code into an HTML/Javascript gadget:
<!-- DROPDOWN NAVBAR --><br /> <!-- stylesheet for FF2, Op9, IE7 (strict mode) --><br /> <style type="text/css"> #navbar { display:inline; width:100%; position:absolute; background-color:transparent; top:-30px; left:0px; height:60px; z-index:999999; } #navbar:hover{ top:0px; height:30px; } </style><br /> <!-- stylesheet for IE6 and lower --><br /> <!-- (not supporting element:hover) --><br /> <!-- first, unhide the navbar through css --><br /> <!-- second, hide the navbar and mimic --><br /> <!-- the effect with javascript, if available --><br /> <!--[if lt IE 7]><br /> <style type="text/css"> #navbar { height:30px; top:0px; } </style><br /> <script type="text/javascript"> var navbar = document.getElementById('navbar'); if(navbar){ navbar.onmouseover = function(){ navbar.style.top = '0px'; navbar.style.height = '30px'; } navbar.onmouseout = function(){ navbar.style.top = '-30px'; navbar.style.height = '60px'; } if (navbar.captureEvents){ navbar.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEOVER); navbar.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEOUT); } navbar.onmouseout(); } </script><br /> <![endif]--><br /> <!-- end dropdown navbar --><br /> <br /> <br />
Preview and save!

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